Casina Church

  1. Casino Church
  2. Cassina Church Hill

The original church was located at the present day Jamaica Avenue and 162nd Street, and moved to this location in 1833 and that church burned down in 1857. The First Reformed moved to Jamaica Estates and this building stood empty for much of the 1990s, after which it was reborn in 2008 as the Jamaica Performing Arts Center after a $22 million. Italian dog goes to Church everyday. This is the story of Ciccio, a 12-years-old German Shepherd from Italy, who attends church services daily. He is not a fervent Catholic, the reason why the dog goes to church so often is he looks for his owner, Maria Margherita Lochi. Stay at this 3-star business-friendly hotel in Presicce. Enjoy free breakfast, free WiFi, and free parking. Our guests praise the WiFi and the helpful staff in our reviews. Popular attractions Spiaggia di Pescoluse (Maldive del Salento) and Antichi Frantoi Ipogei are located nearby. Discover genuine guest reviews for RELAIS MASSERIA CASINA DEI CARI along with the latest prices and availability.

A recent Vatican conference heard strong calls for female empowerment in a world in which gender discrimination remains widespread, and in which, as one speaker put it, there are places where sexual violence and social bias is so pervasive that ‘it’s better to be a cow than a girl.’

“As part of that picture, speakers pressed the Catholic Church to live up to its own talk about the importance of women, moving from an ‘occasional’ to a ‘habitual’ commitment to seeing women in leadership positions, even if not as ordained priests.

“The gathering took place in the Casina Pio IV, home of the Pontifical Academy for Science, and marked the third consecutive year the Vatican staged an event in conjunction with the United Nations-sponsored International Women’s Day.

There were no Vatican officials in the lineup, but rather Catholic leaders and activists from around the world.”

Casina Church

By Ines San Martin, — Click here to read the rest of this story.

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VATICAN ( - The Rockefeller Foundation, notorious for promoting abortion and the LGBT agenda, is sponsoring a two-day Vatican conference under the auspices of Pope Francis and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

The conference, titled 'Reduction of Food Loss and Waste,' is being held at the Casina Pio IV on Nov. 11–12 and includes speakers from other pro-abortion bodies including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Nestlé, recently criticized for using aborted fetal cell lines to test artificial flavor enhancers in partnership with biotech firm Senomyx, is also a participant at the conference. Last week, environmental activists attacked the Swiss multinational food and drink corporation for its plans to bottle more than a million gallons of water a day from natural springs in Florida.

The Vatican symposium also includes climate alarmist groups like GreenFaith, who promote 'eco-prayers and rituals' from diverse religious traditions and who have declared a 'climate emergency.'

Casino Church

The European Commission and United Nations are also represented. Speakers will share their views on the role faith-based communities may play for halving food loss and waste by 2030.

'Beyond its economic and environmental toll, food loss and waste is also a moral and ethical issue,' says Bp. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, in his address to the conference. Sorondo came under fire last year for claiming that Communist China best applies the social doctrine of the Church.

The conference brochure quotes Pope Francis' May 18 speech to the European Food Banks Federation:

Wastefulness is the crudest form of discarding. I think of the moment when Jesus, after the distribution of the loaves to the crowd, asks for the scraps to be gathered up, so that nothing would go to waste. Gathering in order to redistribute; not production that leads to waste. To throw food away means to throw people away.

Critics are questioning how the Vatican can allow the conference to be sponsored by bodies that discard as waste the most vulnerable human beings in the womb.

Casina Church

Cassina Church Hill

Edward Pentin, Vatican correspondent for National Catholic Register, who raised the question of Ford Foundation's funding for the Brazilian bishops' conference at the Amazon Synod, told Church Militant: 'This approach opens the Vatican up to criticism because it gives the impression that it doesn't really believe the Church’s teaching on such a grave issue as abortion, but sees it as one moral issue among many, and on a par with environmental concern.'

He continued, 'It seems to be saying: 'Food waste is such an important issue that we'll forget your views on abortion and gender ideology so we can work with you on it.' That doesn't wash with many Catholic faithful.'

The Pan-Amazon Ecclesial Network (REPAM), based in Brazil and headed by Cdl. Claudio Hummes, controversial leader of the Amazon Synod, received almost $2 million from the pro-abortion and pro-gender ideology Ford Foundation since 2006, Pentin revealed.

Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, denounced REPAM’s funding from the Ford Foundation.

As one Catholic Bishop I denounce this disgusting cooperation with evil & urge every believing Catholic to join me, we are morally bound to speak for the voiceless unborn children......Pro-Abortion Ford Foundation Major Funder of Key Synod Organizations

Service— Bishop J. Strickland (@Bishopoftyler) October 19, 2019

'As one Catholic Bishop I denounce this disgusting cooperation with evil & urge every believing Catholic to join me, we are morally bound to speak for the voiceless unborn children,' he tweeted.

Church Militant found that from 2010–2015, Catholic Relief Services, the international charitable arm of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, also received over $3 million from the Ford Foundation, as revealed by financial statements in the charity's database.


The grants were made available for 'sexual and reproductive health and rights' and for civil and human rights, fair economies, education and scholarship, and urban and rural land management.

U.S. charities like the Rockefeller Foundation were behind efforts to make abortion legal in his country.

The Rockefeller Foundation 'promotes big government solutions at every turn, encourages more regulation of the economy and more dependency on the government, and backs corrupt social engineering schemes aimed at trying to force Americans to be better, i.e., more left-wing, people,' notes researcher Kirk McDonald writing for Foundation Watch.

Eduardo Cunha, the conservative lower house speaker of the Brazilian Congress, said in 2015 that U.S. charities like the Rockefeller Foundation were behind efforts to make abortion legal in his country and elsewhere in order to get rid of the poor and engineer demographic control.

In 2017, media reports exposed the Rockefeller Family Fund's support for groups working to curb religious freedom. Also, the lesbian philosopher Judith Butler, a pioneer of the gender ideology movement, was a fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Foundation supported the racist pseudoscience of eugenics in Nazi Germany and later funded America's two most important sexual revolutionaries: Dr. Alfred Kinsey, father of modern sex education, and Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.

Melinda Gates, billionaire wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, told the Global Family Planning Summit in 2017 that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation would funnel $375 million to population-control efforts over the next four years through abortion and contraception.

The Gates Foundation gave $46 million to Marie Stopes International in 2012 alone. It also provided funding to the tune of $71 million to Planned Parenthood of America, International Planned Parenthood Federation and Planned Parenthood of Western Washington from before 2009 through 2013.

Under Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano lambasted the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for securing $4.6 billion dollars over the next eight years to promote contraceptives, starting in Africa.

Church Militant contacted the Holy See Press Office for comment but received no response as of press time.

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