Y Education Is Important


Education is very important nowadays. It is the main part of the life on which the life of the person depends. People do huge investments on the education of their children so that they can become better person who us respected in the society. All the parents want their child to be good in everything and they do this through education. Many students ask "Why is a high school education important?" Now is not the time to look through rose colored glasses. It's better to hear about harsh reality as opposed to experiencing it. Here are the answers. They include earning potential and increase in liberty and how to stick to it when you feel like quitting high school. Education is important in any society. Parents, teachers and even political leaders encourage education in our society. Many people do not understand why there is so much emphasis on it. This is why some people do not put in as much effort into it as necessary. English has become a compulsory subject from Primary Three in China since 2003 and is gradually being introduced even earlier into the curriculum in many schools. This highlights the official importance of English in both primary school education and society. However, although a compulsory subject, there are fewer English lessons than for Chinese and mathematics, the other core subjects.

Education is the harbinger of the modern era and is the basis for rational and logical thinking. It has brought in huge benefits for the people across every nook and corner of the globe. Some of them are visible and some of them are not but overall they have contributed immensely to the development of society.

Why education is important?

Following points prove the the role and importance of education in life:

Transforming the dreams into reality: One of the most important benefits of education is that it helps to meet the objectives of life. For instance, some people want to become rich while others aspire to become popular. Right education with dedication can help to accomplish the task. Getting professional degree is the only way to excel in different business domains such as engineering, medicine, and accounting. By enrolling in the course of your choice, it is not only possible to enhance the skill level but also the professional expertise.

Happiness: People who are educated can access lots of opportunities in lives. They get good jobs and achieve materialistic objectives. Fat paychecks guarantee luxury living and go a long way in providing happiness. In addition with the help of education, you may have a stable as well as secured life for the future. People with higher intellectual wealth also enjoy good social status is society.

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Money is everything: Educated people are professionally qualified and can get good jobs in various sectors of the economy. A person who is not educated can do only menial jobs but for white collar work, it is important to have education as well as expertise in a certain stream. It is bound to provide a fillip to the career and tremendous growth in the work wages. It is true that money is not everything in life but it can definitely buy comfort for the individuals and the family.

Equality among fellow beings: Education doesn’t discriminate between the rich and the poor neither exploits the ethnic and the caste fault lines. It can be imparted to any one irrespective of the gender and provides equal opportunities to the people to rise in life. Western civilization experienced renaissance due to the light of knowledge that became possible due to universities and schools that are epitomes of modern education. In developed and developing the world, they have helped in the emancipation of women so that they could contribute towards the development of society.

Independent thinking: When you embark on the quest of knowledge through education, you develop scientific and logical reasoning as part of the thought process. Instead of listening to others, the individual can use his or her brain to take independent decision. Education is the only tool that assists in the development of critical analysis of the situation. Moreover, if you are employed as a professional, you become financially independent.

The World is safer: Medieval period saw major conflicts due to lack of education among masses. Modern people are educated with knowledge about what is right and what is wrong. They can understand the issue and find ways to resolve them. It is not possible for an illiterate person; therefore we see lots of conflicts in the developing world as the literacy level is low among the general population. In addition, lack of education denies job opportunities to people and they resort to theft as well as a robbery in desperation. Educated people are aware of their rights and duties towards the country and are less likely to indulge in unlawful activities.

Why Is Education Important Articles

Boost self-confidence: Light of knowledge automatically boosts the self-confidence of the person. A learned person is not only respected in the society but he or she is often consulted for pieces of advice by others. An uneducated man might have lots of experience but may not be taken seriously when suggestions are being sought.

Why My Education Is Important To Me

Social mobility: An educated person is not socially static but mobile. He or she is more socially interactive in a group. If you have a formal education, it is easier to express the views without any problem. A Learned person is more likely to contribute towards the development of society.

A developed world: Countries around the world have relied on scientific education to ensure the development of their economy. Citizens of western countries are rich and prosperous as they work in various business fields of the industry. It was only achieved with a continuous focus on developing highly skilled professionals.

Conclusion: With all the benefits being accrued, education is the best way to move forward not only for an individual but also for a country. It is the only tool that can help to remove millions of people from the jaws of poverty. If people are empowered with knowledge, they cannot be exploited by others. Modern ideas of liberation and freedom have emanated from education. Reformists around the world have honed their skills in the top universities and played an important role in removing the evil customs from society.


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The next stage of our lives after we are born is going to school. It’s no coincidence that education comes in as the second activity in our life’s development stages but to prepare you for the next stages of your life as you grow up before you start working or starting a family

There is a thin line between learning and education but when you get educated it means you have learned something new that adds applicable value to your life.

Even though there some things we learn at school and never get to use in our everyday life it doesn’t mean education is pointless, it’s just that not everything we need to know in life is taught at school

Some lessons are learned outside the school and would be very hard to incorporate into the school curriculum

So you would definitely need to learn them outside school;

Below we discuss 10 reasons why education is very important in our life and a right to everyone in the world;

1. Education is being used to build a better society

Education helps build a society where we are all knowledgeableabout our dos and don’ts so as not affect others negatively and neither of themaffecting us negatively

This achieved through Providing useful knowledge and information through education which knowledge would be applicable in our everyday lives and we use this information to help us live well with each other

For instance, going to school and learning how to read and write would improve our communication in a society because it’s hard to live in a society where we cannot even communicate to each other due to barriers that can be removed by education

2. Education makes one employable

One of the core reasons for education is to be an employable citizen. This also makes girls’ education important because in most societies girls were left out of employment due to lack of skills to be employed due to a lack of education

Y Education Is Important

Every job has minimum requirements for a person to do it as it requires expertise, skill, and knowledge of how to run it for efficient results

You cannot be employed as a doctor if you are not educatedin medicine because honestly what will you do when you have no technical knowledgeabout it

Thus education trains us to be employable in different fields we have studied as we would have acquired enough technical knowledge and skills about the job to be able to run it

3. Education creates awareness

Education helps us become informed about things we would notknow unless we have gone to school.

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Some people end up with early pregnancies due to the lack of early information about its negative side effects. And wish they had known earlier

But this regret of wishing you had known is fixed through going to school and getting educated about problems of early pregnancy and how to avoid it

Through providing information, education has also helped in the prevention and treatment of diseases because people are now aware of how they contract certain diseases and how to prevent them

Unlike long ago when some diseases were associated with black magic, witchcraft or supernatural powers due to ignorance

4. Education is used as a preventive method

Through education, we are able to prevent the occurrences of certain events that would turn out to be negative to us

Some of the things prevented are wars as we are taught abouttheir history and effects, diseases as we are taught about the causes, effectsand how to prevent them.

Some of these cannot be prevented unless you are an educated person who is fully aware of the consequences of certain actions

This is also one of the reasons there is sex education in schools, to help prevent consequences of engaging in early sex

5. Education is used to initiate creativity

The knowledge gained from education helps in creativity otherwise there would be nothing new created if people didn’t even think.

Education gives you a foundation to kick start yourcreativity or innovation by providing you with already existing information.

It’s this existing information you can use to build something new or add on already existing information through your own research and discoveries based on what you have learned.

This would be useful in making a world a better place through innovations and also make you a famous or rich person if you want to

6. It’s the best way of learning new things

A child will ask a thousand questions about the whys andhows of the world from their parents as they grow up.

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Since they would be new in the world, there are lots of things that would be very fascinating to them and wouldn’t understand how they work. If you don’t teach them they come up with uninformed assumptions

This where education comes in and helps you learn somethingnew every day you go to school.

That’s why you are even taught subjects that you might never apply in your life. This lets you know why where when how or what something is which would increase your knowledge base

At times it is entirely up to you how you use the lessons youhave learned in school and knowledge you have gained from things you have learnedas everything taught to you is not showed to you how you will apply it but requiredinformation about it is provided to you

One way to make use of your knowledge is by continuing to learn new things every day or every month or every year and it’s then that you will find the relationship between different things you have learned and how you can practically apply the lessons you have learned

7. Better problem solving

Education gives us an edge in problem-solving

Through different lessons taught to us. It makes it easier to apply different knowledge from different fields of study to solve problems better

Education Is Important To Society Because

This is achieved through solving a problem as the earlier persons did, and one of the ways to know how a certain problem can be solved is through being educated about it.

For example, if we are taught that earlier people solved political disagreements through discussions and meetings, then that would teach us not to go to war as history would show us it is not the best way to solve political problems

8. Education helps us full fill potential

Well as some people’s potential cannot be fulfilled througheducation.

A good number of people can have their potential and abilities brought to best use through education like being a doctor would require you to first be educated about medicine before you can actually fulfill your potential of saving lives in new and different ways

Something you might not be able to do if you are not educated

9. Education is a life trend and event

Think of what you would spend your time doing if you werenot going to school

From morning to evening you would need an activity to keep your hands, legs, and brain busy otherwise being idle is just going to make you a devil’s workshop.

It’s even hard to spend all your teenage and childhood years doing nothing, so education comes in as that useful activity to be doing in the meantime as you come of age

10. Education is an investment

Y Education Is Important

Education is one of the biggest investments where people puttheir money.

Investing in education means people will employ you for the skills you learned in school and knowledge and pay you in return for it

On the other hand, considering the importance of education to a country, it should be the basic need of life and certainly completely free, perhaps paid for by governments


That winds up our 10 good reasons as to why everyone should strive to attain education as a right and an important aspect of life


The reasons above should also be able to give you overview importance of education in our lives, society and the people around us