Plotsquared Perms

  • PlotSquared automatically generates plot worlds, which are worlds that contain separate plots of land that can be assigned to individual players and shared with their friends. PlotSquared is popular for Creative Mode servers, because players can only build or destroy in plots they have access to. A plot world created with PlotSquared.
  • Welcome to Plot Square. Plot Square Infra Builder and Developer is the first generation company and is very active in offering luxury for reasonable cost. We became a leading player in Real estate with a very strong clientele of investor’s and end user’s from different parts of India.

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Plotsquared Perms
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Plotsquared Perms

Essentials is made up of multiple components, you must place each jar that you intend to use in your Minecraft/Bukkit plugins folder. You will generally not need/want all components, ignore the commands & permissions from the modules you haven't installed.

If you aren't sure what each component does, first check the breakdown page

Permissions aren't automatically inclusive, you will need to give both 'essentials.spawnmob' and either 'essentials.spawnmob.wolf' or 'essentials.spawnmob.*' to allow use of '/spawnmob wolf'.

See also: Group Manager/Commands, Command Reference/Spawning, Sign Tutorial, and AntiBuild

Example Permissions

There are a number of example permissions files available for GroupManager:
Group Manager Groups :: Group Manager GlobalGroups

Plotsquared Permission

Permissions Reference

Retrieved from ''

WorldGuard 7.0.4 (MC 1.16+)

Uploaded bywizjany_
Game Version1.16
Plotsquared permission


Plotsqaured Perms

* Add support for MC 1.16. Dropped support for previous versions.
* Add respawn-anchors flag mirroring the sleep flag (e.g. to prevent using respawn anchors to cause explosions in the overworld)

* Add nether vines to vine-growth flag.
* Add config option to disable the bypass permission cache.
* Fix water-flow flags not checking waterlogged blocks.
* Add config option to consider non-player causes (e.g. pistons, flowing water) to only be members of the highest priority region. This should be enabled for plots-within-city-like setups to prevent things in plots from modifying the city.
* Fix items dropping from falling blocks that were suppressed by other plugins.
* Add config option to block turtle egg trampling.
* Fix ride flag being checked on striders that didn't have saddles.
* Add config option to have /rg bypass toggled off on login.
* Developer changes: Methods taking names in Domains are now explicitly deprecated (was previously just a javadoc comment.); These will eventually be removed: there is no reason to use names over UUIDs. Offline players and NPCs alike have stable UUIDs.

Plotsquared Permissions List

* Also for developers; The new class has some useful static methods to convert to and from WorldEdit's Region and WorldGuard's ProtectedRegion classes.

Minecraft Plotsquared Perms

* See the 7.0.3 changelog for more details, as many changes have happened since 7.0.2.