Occasional Memory Lapses


These kinds of memory slips become more common as you get older. Yet sudden and severe memory loss – such as forgetting your children's names or not knowing where you are - can signal a more. Most people have occasional memory lapses. Often the problem is a normal consequence of stress or aging. However, when memory lapses begin to interfere with everyday function, such as job performance or other independent functions, assistance from health professionals who specialize in the problems of memory loss may be needed.

Able to function independently and pursue normal activities (bill paying, managing medications, cooking, driving), despite occasional memory lapses. Difficulty performing simple tasks ( cooking, working the TV remote, daily living tasks), or forgetting how to do things you’ve done many times. A TIA, also known as a 'little stroke' (although that isn't completely accurate medically), is a brief blockage in the brain that can cause lapses in memory, along with other stroke-like symptoms. Symptoms usually resolve on their own, but treatment is important to prevent future strokes. Yet sudden and severe memory loss – such as forgetting your children's names or not knowing where you are - can signal a more serious problem. Memory loss can be a sign of Alzheimer's disease.

Uh-oh. You can’t find your keys. You forgot the name of your newest neighbor—again. And exactly where did you park your car at the mall, anyway?

An occasional memory slip is normal, says Johns Hopkins geriatrician Sevil Yasar, M.D., Ph.D. But as you age, these “senior moments” may leave you wondering whether you’re heading for dementia—the loss of memory and thinking skills severe enough to interfere with independent living, often due to Alzheimer’s disease or other brain changes.

“Stress, an extra-busy day, poor sleep and even some medications can interfere with making and recalling memories,” Yasar says. “And we all have moments when a name or the title of a movie is right on the tip of the tongue, but those events are different from the kinds of lapses that may be warning signs for dementia.”

Most of the time, memory lapses are nothing to worry about. “But any time you’re concerned about yourself or a loved one, it’s worth talking with your doctor,” Yasar says.

So how can you tell the difference between simple slipups and something that may be more serious? The important thing to look for is persistent change in our ability to think and function. Below are five clues.

  1. Are you losing things and just can’t figure out where they went?

    We all misplace things. And yes, on a busy morning we may even put the cornflakes box in the refrigerator if we’re moving too fast. It’s normal to put things in the wrong spot, and it’s normal to catch the mistake or retrace our steps to find the keys sitting on top of today’s stack of mail.

    What’s not: Being unable to figure out where lost belongings might be, putting things in more and more unusual places and starting to suspect—without evidence—that people have stolen your missing possessions.

  2. Do you get lost in familiar places?

    Losing the way while driving, walking or taking public transportation to a new place is normal. So is getting so absorbed in your journey (or your thoughts) that you have to reorient yourself to figure out exactly where you are.

    What’s not: “Driving or walking for a long time without realizing you’re lost or completely forgetting where you are, and not asking for help in these situation could be a sign of dementia,” Yasar says. You may also forget how you got to a new location, become easily disoriented in familiar places, or lose the ability to read a map or follow landmarks and traffic signs.

  3. Do you lose track of the time, date or season?

    Once in a while, we all forget what day of the week it is, but we usually remember or figure it out quickly. More troubling: not knowing what day it is, the time of day or how much time is passing—and not realizing that you’ve forgotten. Additionally, unable to remember appointments or even missing them despite putting it on the calendar or having received numerous reminders by family. These may be signs of dementia, according to Johns Hopkins experts.

  4. Are your conversations getting stalled?

    We all have to search for the right word from time to time. “And it’s normal for this to happen more often as we get older,” Yasar notes. What’s not: extreme difficulty remembering words, calling things and people by the wrong words or names and withdrawing socially as a result. Having more and more trouble following, joining or continuing a conversation (you may stop talking mid-thought and not know what you were going to say next) or even following plot on TV may also be a red flag for dementia risk.

  5. Do memory slipups interfere with daily life?

    Forgetting the name of your neighbor’s dog is normal. What’s not: No longer being able to do everyday activities the way you used to, and you now need help of your family or professionals,

    “If you used to balance your bank accounts to the penny and now you’ve lost track of where your household money is going, bills have not been paid and as a result electricity or phone service has been turned off. Similarly, you feel lost and overwhelmed making, or even worse, being unable to make, Thanksgiving pumpkin pie with your favorite longtime recipe, it may be a sign of early brain changes,” Yasar says.

    And one of the biggest concerns, from a doctor’s point of view, is the issue with medication management, such as forgetting to take medications or taking them incorrectly. If you or a loved one are having issues managing medication correctly, it's time to reach out to your doctor.


Occasional Memory Lapses

Johns Hopkins Home Care

Occasional Memory Loss

We provide high quality, individualized care for patients of all ages where you feel most comfortable – your home or community. Our services and equipment are designed to help you regain and retain a level of independence.

A lot of us have memory lapses. We walk into a room and forget why. We can’t remember where we parked the car. These lapses can be thought of as “normal” or “everyday” forgetfulness.

Is this something we should be concerned about? Most likely, no. However, we should all be familiar with signs that may indicate that what we’re experiencing is more than what we would typically expect to see with normal aging.

Mild Cognitive Impairment

Occasional Memory Lapses Confusion And Agitation

Some people develop mild cognitive impairment (MCI). People who have MCI can still take care of themselves and do their normal activities, but they may:

  • Lose things often.
  • Forget appointments or events.
  • Have more trouble than their peers coming up with words.

If you have concerns about your memory or thinking skills, your health care clinician can review and discuss potential causes. Some medications or other health conditions can cause these problems. Your clinician may recommend a neuropsychological evaluation to determine if there are clinically meaningful changes in your cognitive functioning.

Another note about MCI: It can be an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Evaluation with a primary care clinician, neurologist, or neuropsychologist can be helpful in diagnosing MCI and Alzheimer’s disease.

Occasional Memory Lapses

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative brain disorder that affects a person’s cognitive functioning, and, eventually, their ability to do routine daily activities.

Occasional Memory Lapses

It’s the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. It typically starts after age 65, and risk increases with age. Most cases of Alzheimer’s disease appear to be sporadic; however, having a first-degree relative with the disease increases your risk for developing it. Alzheimer’s disease starts slowly. It begins by affecting the parts of your brain that are involved in memory. Every person with Alzheimer’s disease may display symptoms differently, but here are some common early signs of Alzheimer’s:

  • Trouble remembering recent conversations or events.
  • Difficulty remembering names of acquaintances.
  • Repeatedly asking for the same information.
  • Difficulty with problem solving at work or home.
  • Apathy and depression.

As the disease progress, the person may:

  • Struggle to do routine tasks such as combing hair or brushing teeth.
  • Not recognize family members.
  • Become easily agitated or angry.
  • Wander away from home.

Eventually, the person may need constant care.

At this time, there is no treatment to stop the disease. We do, however, have medications that may help temporarily slow the progression of symptoms.


A health care clinician can discuss treatment options. If Alzheimer’s disease is suspected, the clinician may refer the patient to a specialist such as a neurologist who focuses on disorders of the brain and nervous system. A referral to a neuropsychologist, a psychologist who specializes in brain-behavior relationships, may also be helpful. Aurora also has geriatricians who can evaluate and treat cognitive changes, as well as Memory Clinics for older adults where we can assess for cognitive decline and connect patients and family members with a variety of helpful resources.

Causes Of Memory Lapses

If you need help to find a doctor, you can locate a primary care provider or specialist online. You can make an appointment online, too.

Memory Lapses Meaning

The information presented in this site is intended for general information and educational purposes. It is not intended to replace the advice of your own physician. Contact your physician if you believe you have a health problem.